Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week 3, Things 5, 6 & 7

I spy with my eight eyes
Originally uploaded by J. Star
My, my - Flickr is fun or shall I say has the potential to be fun. Creating new accounts and passwords, receiving verification...well...I've had a bit of trouble. None the less, the artistry of some of the photographs on Flickr are astounding and the photo sharing capabilities are worth the effort. I shall certainly continue to play!

When I started my LIS degree on-line at FSU, the technological aspects of on-line learning were overwhelming. Now, it seems like second nature...just like email, navigating the internet and databases...and hopefully, in the future, these 23 things!

Do you think this spider has eyelashes?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week 2 Lifelong Learning

I enjoyed the presentation on the 7 1/2 habits of lifelong learners and thought, "I would like to learn how to do this!", as I was watching. With that thought in mind, I found it easy to identify which of the habits is easiest and hardest for me.

Easiest is easy for me to identify. Play! I like to work with others and enjoy the dynamics of team work. I also have an offbeat sense of humor and find that laughing at mistakes eases tension and energizes people to move forward to accomplishment.

The hardest habit is a bit more of a challenge. I guess I would have to say, "Begin with the end in mind." I have so many ideas! Howevcr, it's easier for me to visualize roadblocks and challenges of a project than its actual fruition. I see the end as being worthwhile but often what the end result will be is kind of hazy for me.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Besides working my creaky brain to come up with yet another name and password, this excercise was smooth sailing.